(under renovation) Annu

Crystal Datacenter, Balmung
EST Timezone


“We must find out for ourselves that inside us is a god or goddess in embryo that wants to be born so that we can express our divinity.”
–Deepak Chopra

Basic Information

Full Name:Inannu Belah Annu 
Birth Name:Project Ymir Subject 9 
Nicknames:Mother Inannu, Hummingbird, Gremlin, Spider Lily 
Known titles/alias(es):Annu Maibrar, 9, the Black Lotus, Conduit of the Roads Between 
Place of Birth:Mhach 
Age :current physical form is 1600+, appears to be in her late twenties to early thirties. 
Namesday:Unknown but celebrates on the 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon 
Race:Dunesfolk Lalafell / extradimensional deific seed 
Sexual Orientation:Bisexual, male leaning 
Marital status:Political marriage, open 
Profession:Servant/Agent of Eligor Abigor. Leader of the Gold Sanctum.Business woman.
Hobbies:Reading, travelling, sewing and crocheting,cooking, gardening, alchemy, people watching 

Drinking: Frequently.
Smoking: Frequently
Drugs: Extremely Rarely
Residences: An apartment in Ul’dah
Hidden Hollow, her estate in the Lavender Beds
Keeps an office at the Gold Sanctum. Several safe houses.

Physical appearance:
Hair: Garnet red with pink strands
Eyes: Emerald green
Height: 30 ilm high (2'6")
Weight: ~60 ponze
Build: Hourglass
Distinguishing markings and physical features: Annu's eyes glow almost constantly, though the effect is most prominent in shadows/the dark.
Her hair is her pride and joy and trails behind her by around three fulm when down. It is usually held up in intricate braided styles, high buns, ponytails or tightly styled into traditional odango buns.
Her body is a tapestry of marks, scars, tattoos and piercings; the last of which she will remove temporarily whenever it suits her.
Scars and markings:
Her throat, wrists and ankles all have scars encircling them from long periods of time locked in shackles/a collar. For the longest time, Annu would not wear a collar for any reason due to fear but has begun to get over this aversion. (Some of them are so pretty!)
Several scars on her shoulders that resemble bite marks, though most are now covered by one of her tattoos. One set has been preserved, and she will respond with an affectionate smile if asked about them.
Claw marks along her leg, buttock and thigh. She is less affectionate with these and will attempt to divert conversation about it or say it was from something kinky. It isn't.
A long, semi-diagonal scar almost completely encircling her left thigh and mostly covered by another tattoo.
One very straight, clean line across the top of her right breast.
Spider lilies on her shoulders..
Hidden far up at the nape of her neck and usually covered by her hair is a small, simple image of an octagonal crystal with several cracks inside. She will not explain this when it is spotted, nor even acknowledge that whomever has asked has spoken at all.
A mandala featuring a lotus under her breasts and along her ribcage.
Her largest tattoo is multiple colorful roses and buds on vines with bright green leaves and thorns crawling down her left leg and partially covering a large scar.
There is a rumor amongst her friends that Annu has a tattoo of a moogle on her inner thigh; the remnant of a drunken night and a lost bet long past. Annu will neither confirm nor deny its existence.
Six earrings along the lobe and part of the cartilage of each ear, usually used to hold specially mounted linkpearls.
While not strictly a piercing, she is rarely seen without the cuffs along the tops of her ears. On occasion she wears covers on the tips of her ears and changes her earrings frequently, often with the holidays, and enjoys wiggling her ears to make them jingle.
Three small barbells on each of her eyebrows, lining the outer third of her eye.
Septum ring
Medusa piercing
Labret piercing
Common accessories:
Almost always wears a small gold locket hidden under her blouse, Wears glasses frequently despite not needing them and her zodiac stone on special occasions.



Zyreil'a Yeren
Annu's husband. Zyreil'a is a talented magi and the one who initially took a 'young' Inannu off the streets of Pearl Lane, teaching her to control her rapidly manifesting aetheric abilities.
The two have been close since, Zyreil'a serving as her right hand, confidante and occasional lover throughout the years. The two eventually chose to bond, primarily for political reasons and to legitimize Asher as Zyreil'a's heir, but the two continue to have a deep bond of love and trust regardless of their wanderings.


Ashtaroth Belah Azathoth
Also know simply as Asher.
Asher is her first and thus far only biological child. He inherited his mother's hair and skintone, as well as one green eye, while the other eye is pale violet. He sports sharp teeth, horns and a tail from somewhere in his mother's DNA.
Asher is clever, shy and sweet, though a bit of a sheltered momma's boy who sticks close to her whenever possible. He has only recently begun attending schooling amongst other people and exploring the world and people within it.
Asher has shown a prodigy level affinity to magic, able to manifest tiny versions of spells and manipulate the world around him from infancy. As such, Annu focused on teaching him control, eventually allowing him to attend classes to better socialize him.
Due to her lifestyle and occupation, Annu worries about enemies using her children against her and there is absolutely nothing she will not do to protect them, going to great lengths to keep them safe including keeping a warded safe house for them and creating a special familiar for their transport, care, protection and tutelage.


A sweet and gentle but troubled elezen girl whom Annu immediately felt a deep connection with and promptly adopted as her own.
Though a fully grown woman, Syne has faced a hard life of torment and torture that has rendered her emotional maturity more like that of a teenager combined with a level of power that could see the girl one day become deific. Annu sees her pain and feels the potential of Syne to ascend and resolves to give her love, guidance and some pieces of the childhood stolen from her.


Uy Scuti
Annu's familiar and protector of her children. Commonly takes the form of a very large snake, but can take a humanoid form similar to an Ananta. Scuti is solemn in nature and very rarely speaks. She is a powerful familiar and takes her job very seriously.


Makoko Belah Majo
Noble of Mhach and later Belah'diah, lead scientist of Project Ymir, and Annu's creator/biological mother. Makoko existed as a spirit anchored to hefor well over a thousand years, only recently gaining a new vessel to inhabit.
Makoko is intelligent, powerful and experienced but also cold and arrogant. She refuses to use Annu's name in preference of her designated number or acknowledge her creation as a person most times; so the two are often at odds with one another.
Makoko is only kind to her grandchildren, though ultimately she views them as an extension of her research rather than as a person.
Her wherabout are currently unknown.

Friends and Allies

Coming soon


  • Multi-lingual: Despite a late start to language, Annu is passionate about them. She can speak in several tongues and enjoys eavesdropping on people in Ul'dah.

  • Boasts an exceptionally deep aether pool that has often been mistaken as unending, which is not quite true. Under normal circumstances, her aether will replenish more rapidly than she uses it, lending to the myth, but heavy or extended usage can drain her greatly and require outside sources to refill.

  • Spectral arms: An extension of her deity potential and manifestation of her aether, Annu can currently summon up to four pairs of spectral arms that function as focuses, shields or weapons as the situation demands. Under extreme duress, she can summon eight pairs, but this will exhaust her aetherpool to the point of hibernation.

  • Dark magic/Voidal Mastery: Being a daughter of Mhach, it is not surprising that Annu ended up most intimately attuned to the Dark, and by proxy the Void. This manifests as control of minor voidsent; sometimes higher beings with appropriate effort and concentration, though this is a rarely used talent. More often than not, she uses shadows to cross distances, confuse opponents and conceal herself.

  • Elemental manipulation: Annu is a prodigy with all things aetheric, having an innate understanding of its properties and manipulation even if she cannot verbally explain it as well as others. She contains the memories of her mother, even after the latter's departure, which acts as a soulstone and attunes her closest to the art of the Black Mage, meaning fire and ice are the most preferred spellcasting, with lightning as another favorite.

  • Healing Magic: While capable of healing others, it is not her favorite task and may leave her tired or with a headache. Annu herself regenerates from injuries at a rapid pace and rarely requires healing magic.

  • Self-taught: She is entirely untrained in any official form of thaumaturgy, conjury, or any other school of magic; having been rejected from each guild for varying reasons, Annu either taught herself with books and experimentation or learned from Zy. She is a fairly quick learner and can pick up new spells after witnessing or testing them only a handful of times.

  • Gravity manipulation: Can effect the force around herself to attain flight, attract and repulse objects, and create local gravity fields to immobilize and even crush enemies.

  • Staff/wandless casting and the ability to weave two or more spells at a time, though the latter will tire her greatly if used in rapid succession.

  • Aether sight: The ability to see and read the ambient aether around her, as well as that of others. This causes her eyes to glow violet and her vision to shift to what she refers to as 'seeing the strings'.

  • Aether sharing: When required, Annu can push her aether into others. This can be used to replenish another mage, or to stabilize their aether. It is best used with someone she is familiar with, however, as use on people not used to her aether can result in later withdrawal-like symptoms.

  • Extremely slowed aging: Annu does not age at the same rate as an average person, instead seeming only in her late twenties to early thirties well into her sixteenth century.

  • Dreamwalking: She is able to remain lucid while dreaming, enter the dreams of others and manipulate them. A hobby of hers is to bounce around the dreams of others, helping the dreamer work through issues or simply creating beautiful places for them to explore. Annu can also encase others in protective crystal and place them within a dream world, either for protection or punishment.

  • Teleportation: Annu can manifest portals that allow her to move large distances. They function like doors, opening a hole in space and changing where the universe around her sits as she steps through. This ability is difficult and often not exact unless Annu has attuned herself to a location/person.

  • Accelerated gestation of offspring due to combination of genetic tampering and the nature of her soul

  • Can wiggle her ears


  • Trying to use too much aether at once creates a psychological block and physical failsafe that encases her in crystal. preventing her from destroying herself.

  • Not nearly as physically capable as many (read most) others

  • While exceptionally durable, Annu is still (so far) mortal and can be killed. Normally when this is impending, she will enter into a hibernating state and become encased in protective crystal to heal. While Annu can ensure the protection of others within the same crystals due to being conscious, in her own hibernation she is her most vulnerable and unable to heal the crystal around her. If enough force or aether is applied she could have her aether shattered in this state, scattering her across the Lifestream and rendering her unable to regenerate.

Inquisitive and (generally) friendly, Annu's desire to understand and to know is a driving force that regularly gets her into trouble.Annu is often quiet and will frequently forgo speaking altogether and communicate through gestures, owing to spending the majority of her young life locked into a specialized collar that prohibited speech, dulled emotional responses and kept a tight leash on the aether.While considered polite and amiable for the most part, she does have quite the wicked temper when pressed and any action against her loved ones will result in her showing a propensity for rage and cruelty that her jokester exterior usually hides.Annu's sense of humor is predominantly sarcastic, but can range from dark humor to bad puns. She is known to play pranks on people, though this is not out of malice but boredom.When addressing something she knows she is good at, she can be fairly arrogant and has been known to bite off more than she can chew on several occasions, but to Annu each failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.Having started with nothing and made her way up, Annu enjoys the finer things in life. She favors fine clothing and quality food above most things and puts a particular emphasis on her grooming habits. She is of the mind that she earned what she has and damn well deserves that bathtub that could fit three xaela and a roe.
Conversely, she is often pleased by very simple things like peppermint tea and a big soft pretzel. (It will make her ears twitch and wiggle)

Despite her role as a leader and member of what could be considered "high society", Annu has little concept of what is and isn't socially acceptable, due to her former life of being used purely for service and experimentation, as well as long imprisonments which cut her off from traditional social interactions. This would explain why she has no problems with sexual displays, is persistently either highly volatile or passive-aggressive when someone tries to criticize or impose authority (despite actively seeking that same authority.), and can exhibit poor impulse control. Mercurial in nature; she's very carefree and laid-back most of the time, but quick to anger. Annu is also fairly childlike at times and can be a bit gullible, as well as very prone to tears when she encounters something that truly scares or saddens her. Since most of her life was spent either locked in a collar designed to squash all emotion out of her or trapped in the Dreamscape, she does not have much experience in normal situations in comparison to her friends and allies.Often she will simply mimic the behavior she sees around her, and hope for the best.Oddly, she is actually fairly good with money and numbers, investing in business and research programs that have mostly paid back well, funding events and opening businesses across Eorzea.



I need to think of these. Have a picture of a ferret to hold you over until I get around to it.

Bunnie the Polkadotted#9424
More Coming Soon
(when I stop being lazy)